
How to set up north carolina in world of warships
How to set up north carolina in world of warships

how to set up north carolina in world of warships

At very close ranges, this will cause Massachusetts' secondaries to shatter against the thick belt of battleships and cruisers, mitigating some of her damage output. Secondaries tend to aim for the waterline of enemy ships. If you take the Inertial Fuse for HE Shells you can increase their penetration to 27mm which will allow them to punish all cruisers within their matchmaking spread and lower tiered battleships. This limits them to damage select cruisers and destroyers or the superstructures of more protected ships. They can only deal direct damage to areas of 21mm of armour thickness or less. It's unlikely Massachusetts will ever be the darling of the competitive scene because of these flaws. Her guns, while still boasting good performance, are overall less reliable. Massachusetts has the worst sigma value of any of the aforementioned American battleships with a 1.7 value compared to the 2.0 of North Carolina and 1.9 of Alabama, Alabama ST and Colorado.

how to set up north carolina in world of warships

The second issue compounds on this problem, however. This range deficit isn't terrible when the ship is top tier, but on some of the larger maps and against higher tiered opponents, this lack really begins to hurt, especially when compounded by her low top speed and surface detection radius. The alternative is to make use of her Spotter Aircraft consumable to temporarily boost her range when needed. This is a less than ideal solution given Massachusetts secondaries which compete for attention with Secondary Gun Battery Modification 2 in the same upgrade slot. It can largely be alleviated by taking the American upgrade, Artillery Plotting Room Modification 1, which resets her maximum range back up to Alabama levels. With a maximum reach of 18.3km stock, Massachusetts is one of the shortest ranged battleships at her tier, besting only Monarch and Roma.

How to set up north carolina in world of warships